Rapid HIV test - Fast and accurate HIV test in Thailand | PULSE CLINIC - Asia's Leading Sexual Healthcare Network.

Rapid HIV test - Fast and accurate HIV test in Thailand


Get accurate and confidential rapid HIV tests 4th generation and 3rd generation in Thailand from HIV Clinic.

Rapid HIV test - Fast and accurate HIV test in Thailand

Get accurate and confidential rapid HIV tests 4th generation and 3rd generation in Thailand from HIV Clinic.



PULSE Clinic offers 2 types of rapid HIV tests which are:


HIV Combo Rapid HIV test: a finger-prick blood test in which the 4th generation’s antigen and antibody are combined. It’s a simple and quick test, giving accurate results within only 20 minutes. This test can detect HIV infections better than other previous-generation tests. It can identify HIV infections faster with a narrower window period which can prevent transmission during the early stage that is usually extremely infectious. The test should be taken from 2 weeks after exposure to the virus.


The 3rd generation Rapid HIV Test: an HIV antibody test (known also as the 3rd generation HIV test) with a window period of 3-4 weeks. It’s the kind of test that looks for the specific antibodies in your blood, oral fluid, or urine. If your body is reacting to an HIV infection or is HIV positive, the antibodies will be found.


All tests are conducted in a confidential and discrete manner at all PULSE Clinic branches throughout Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Malaysia.



TestThe suitable time to get tested
(How many days after the exposure)
Sensitivity (%)Specificity (%)Waiting time
HIV Antibody 3rd generationAt least 21 days99.91-100%99.75%20 min
HIV Antibody 1/2At least 21 days100%97.20-99.30%20 min
HIV Antibody 4th generationAt least 16 days99.76-100%99.81%20 min
HIV PCR RNAAt least 10 days95.00%99.00%10 days


What are the Advantages of PULSE Rapid Test Kits? 


PULSE Rapid test kit has many benefits such as

  • Very precise, particularly when used within 28 days after exposure
  • Affordable. Our rapid HIV test is set cautiously at a reasonable price. 
  • Very clean as these kits are designed for one-time use. They get discarded right after each test. 
  • PULSE Clinic values discretion. No infections will be reported whatsoever. 
  • Test results within 20 minutes can be expected 
  • Services are accessible to all with no appointment needed. Everyone can walk right in.
  • Open every day including weekends




Your blood sample is taken from a sterile finger with a finger-prick device in a very small amount. Place the blood inside the test kit and the results will be ready in 20 minutes.


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How often should a person get tested for HIV?


Get tested once a year if your risk is rather low. For those with high risk, get tested every 3 months and consider taking PrEP. If you might have been exposed to HIV, the test should be taken based on the timing. Taking an HIV test at the right time means accurate results.

  • If the exposure was less than 3 days, see the doctor immediately to discuss if you need an emergency pill/HIV PEP.
  • 7-10 days ago, do the HIV RNA PCR. Results will be provided in 7 working days. 
  • 14-16 days ago, do the HIV Combo test. Results will be provided in 20 minutes. 
  • at least 22-28 days ago, do the HIV Antibody test. Results will be provided in 20 minutes.

If you're experiencing symptoms like fever, muscle pain, rashes, sore throat, or swollen lymph nodes, it's important to get tested. Keep in mind that some individuals may not show any symptoms so it's best to get tested whenever there are risks.


Waiting makes you anxious?


The earliest you can get tested is 7-10 days after the possible exposure with the HIV PCR test. The second earliest test is at 15-17 days post-exposure with the HIV Ag/Ab Combo test.

For all other HIV tests, there's a waiting period of 3 months. Therefore, you have to wait for 3 months before getting tested and knowing for sure if you have been infected. During this time, you can pass the infection to your sexual partners without knowing so if you took HIV PEP before, consider taking HIV PrEP for prevention.

Should I be concerned about getting tested?


You shouldn’t be because every device used is clean and discarded once done. An increasing number of healthcare practitioners are transitioning from reusable tools to disposable ones. At PULSE Clinic, we have also adopted more disposable items such as cotton, alcohol pads, single-use needles, and gloves at all our branches across Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Our commitment is truly to ensure your safety and provide the highest quality care. If you still experience anxiety, you may consider seeking help from a psychiatrist. PULSE can connect you with psychiatrists who offer top-quality, non-judgmental, and stigma-free services in private healthcare facilities.


What are the Correlations between Window Period and HIV Test Accuracy


The HIV testing window period is the time between a possible HIV exposure and when you should get tested for an accurate result. The virus triggers an immune response at a certain point. An HIV test kit can detect the particular antibodies that are produced when our immune system is fighting against the virus.

Different HIV tests detect different indicators of HIV infection. Once a person is infected, HIV antibodies and antigens will develop and each HIV test can detect the specific antibodies that appear at the different stages.

If the HIV screening is done at the wrong time, a person who’s already infected with HIV may have a negative result, known as a false negative HIV screening result.


Should I get tested for other STDs?


If you've been exposed to HIV, the chances of getting other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are high. Therefore, we advise you to also get tested for other STDs such as Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Hepatitis, Herpes, and Warts.


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